TEI Group Joins SCA and Turner Construction at HS 472’s Topping Off Celebration

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TEI Group Joins SCA and Turner Construction at HS 472’s Topping Off Celebration

TEI Group Joins SCA and Turner Construction at HS 472’s Topping Off Celebration

Today, TEI Group was very fortunate to be a part of a historic celebration on Northern Boulevard (Queens) where they raised the final beam in the “topping off” ceremony at HS 742.

HS 742 is the largest public high school built by the NYC SCA to date. The SCA team self-performed the entire architectural and engineering design across 305,617 feet, including many classrooms, special education classrooms, music rooms, art rooms, science labs, exercise rooms in addition to an auditorium, gymnasium, library and administrative offices.

The high school is also set to hold 3,079 seats, housing three high school programs, including grades 9-12 as well as a District 75 program for students with special needs.

TEI Group is working for Turner Construction on this project to install four overhead traction elevators.